8月24日,2020全球电竞运动领袖峰会暨腾讯电竞年度发布会在海南博鳌举办。峰会上,国际电子竞技联合会(Global Esports Federation,以下简称GEF )主席曾成兴正式宣布——GEF 与腾讯电竞共同发起“电竞体育交流计划”:在科技向善的指引下,加速电竞与体育的交流融合,共同实现“电竞连接世界”的美好愿景。
前国际奥林匹克委员会执行委员、国际合作和发展部主任 T A Ganda Sithole,英国电子竞技协会首席执行官 Chester King ,世界技能组织(法国)国际关系主任 Aurelia Ruetsch,以及日本电竞联盟主席、世嘉社长冈村秀树等 GEF 五大洲执委通过线上的方式,表达了对“电竞体育交流计划”的期许和祝愿。
成立九个月以来,GEF 快速吸引了包括来自各大洲的会员协会和各类国际体育单项协会在内的65个以上成员加入,目前已经成为涵盖五大洲的国际协会。今年上半年,GEF已正式成为亚奥理事会的战略合作伙伴,并聘任亚洲奥林匹克理事会副主席、体育委员会主席,国际奥林匹克委员会教育委员会成员,中国奥林匹克委员执行委员宋鲁增为执委会高级顾问。GEF 持续在进一步推动电子竞技与传统体育的交流,提供了更强有力的支撑。
为呼应国际奥委会鼓励电子竞技和体育互动交流的号召,曾成兴宣布GEF 将携手腾讯电竞发起“电竞体育交流计划”。他表示:“电竞体育交流计划将为电竞与传统体育两个群体之间的交流提供更大的平台和更宽的渠道,以共同探寻机遇和窗口,推动电子竞技的全面发展。”在现场,腾讯、拳头游戏、Supercell、Smilegate和EA的厂商代表上台合影,支持“电竞体育交流计划”,共建全球对话平台。
Good morning – Warm greetings from Singapore to our friends gathered at Hainan, China today at the 2020 Global Esports Summit, and congratulations to Tencent for successfully hosting the international summit.
诸位早安,我在新加坡向今天在海南参加 2020 全球电竞运动领袖峰会的各位朋友,致以诚挚的问候。也祝贺腾讯圆满举办本届大会。
Firstly, let me extend my best wishes during this unprecedented time and I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy.
Just a little over eight months ago we embarked on a mission to establish the credibility, legitimacy, and prestige for esports at the worldwide launch of the Global Esports Federation in Singapore. At the same launch ceremony, Edward Cheng and I signed an agreement on behalf of our organizations, establishing Tencent as our Founding Global Partner – and since that very moment, we have never looked back.
The creation of the Global Esports Federation was based on the understanding
that esports is known to so many people, yet at the same time equally unknown or misunderstood. We launched with the mission to convene the world’s esports ecosystem and to navigate the pathway to bring esports within easy reach of the world’s population.
Since then, we have achieved unprecedented progress – something of significant note during this difficult time.
Several landmark partnerships – with the Commonwealth Games Federation , the Olympic Council of Asia with its 45 National Olympic Committees, the Olympic Committees of South America , as well as commercial partners, the United Nation’s oldest agency – the International Telecommunications Union based in Geneva, a strategic partnership with Dentsu based in Tokyo, Singapore-based Refract Technologies , the Global Sports Innovation Center powered by Microsoft based in Madrid.
我们建立了一系列具有里程碑意义的合作伙伴关系:与英联邦运动会联合会;与亚洲奥林匹克理事会及其 45 个国家或地区奥林匹克委员会;与南美洲奥委会;以及其他商业伙伴。我们与联合国历史最悠久的机构–总部位于日内瓦的国际电信联盟拓展了合作关系;与总部位于东京的电通集团通力合作,与总部位于新加坡的 Refract Technologies 发掘机遇,与设立在马德里的微软全球体育创新中心建立战略合作伙伴关系。
To date, we proudly welcome on board over 65 members, comprising Member Federations from every continent, International Federations from every genre of sport and with many more on the horizon.
今天,我们在此骄傲的宣布,国际电子竞技联合会已经拥有 65 个以上的成员加入,包括来自各大洲的会员协会和各类国际体育单项协会。未来也将由更多会员加入。
But it is not just about the number of partners we have welcomed – these are real partners joining us to achieve our mission. Our heartfelt motto –#worldconnected – says it all. Today, I am proud to announce the launch of the
#worldconnected initiative, in partnership with Tencent Esports.
We invite the world’s esports community – the world’s publishers, developers, athletes and players, as well as the broader international sporting community – to come together and play a part in shaping the future of esports.
We are greatly encouraged by the leadership at the Olympic movement for the measured and inclusive approach in urging the global sports movements in exploring esports opportunities and encouraging continuous dialogue.
In conclusion, we stand eager and ready to collaborate with the world’s esports and sporting communities. I invite you to join the conversation – where esports and sport shine bright on the sporting world stage – and together harness the might and power of technology and innovation for good and a truly world connected.
Thank you.